Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled or unregulated growth of cells.
The word is derived from "crab" in Latin. In general, one billion cells are required for a cancer lump to reach 1cm diameter or to weigh 1g. This is the limit of detection by imaging techniques.
According to the National Cancer Registry 2002 report:
Common cancers in Malaysia:
Risk factors
These include: age, family history, smoking, lifestyle factors, viruses and ionising radiation.
In certain occupations, such as in the asbestos and wood industries, workers have a higher incidence of developing the disease, in these cases of lung and nose cancers respectively.
Dietary factors are responsible for about 30 per cent cancers. Saturated fats are associated with breast, uterus, ovary and colon cancers. Low fibre diets cause colon cancers. High intake of pickles predispose people to stomach cancer.
The above information is abstracted from the website of the Malaysian Oncological Society
Visit the Malaysian Oncological Society website here.
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